As your small business starts to grow, you’ll have more money available to hire people to head up specific important departments or tasks.What was once your dream, needs to become a vision, because it is the vision you need to lead and hire with. Remember, you need to be able to achieve two things with each great hire. First, hire the talent that has the skill-set that you do not have or are weak at. Then, once you acquire that talent, teach them your vision and let them do the job you hired them for. But what are the most important positions that you should fill? Here are a few of them that you should definitely consider:
- Product manager. The first step to finding success as a small business is to have outstanding products and services. Secondly, is being able to execute a business plan. A product manager can be the person who spends the most time focusing on individual products and doing research among customers about why they like specific products and what they’re looking for in potential new products. Excellent product managers help your business stay ahead of innovations and customer trends. They will enable you to work on your business while you work in your business.
- Marketing manager. During the early stages of your company, you’re likely going to hold off on your marketing efforts until you’re certain you’ve developed a high-quality product. But once it’s time to market, which usually happens as you move beyond a local market or expand your offerings, you need to make sure that you’re doing it well. A marketing specialist
will allow you to take your vision that you have for your company and turn it into a brand identity, demonstrated through print, video and more in a wide variety of channels. Initially this hire can be an outside firm. As growth warrants you will want to bring this position in-house.
- Customer service representative. To start with, you only really need to bring in one customer service representative. As your company grows, then you can begin adding more. The person you bring in as your service representative should be friendly and have a thorough understanding of your products so that they can help customers who call in. Never ever forget, this person is not only your greatest cheerleader but also at the forefront of receiving complaints and handling them with ease.
- Sales representative. A sales representative should be a go-getter who can help you to generate new leads. In today’s world, sales and marketing have to get along and work together. Again, you only really need one to start out with, but as your company grows, you can bring in more to the team.
- Financial manager. I can’t understate the importance of having a qualified financial expert on staff. It’s extremely important to keep your finances in order at all times. A financial manager can help you to make a thorough, easy-to-follow budget and prepare your taxes properly at the end of the year. A financial manager is one of the most important positions there is in terms of helping your business stay healthy and on a path for success.
While you’re not going to hire all of these people at once, these are all important positions to have on staff as you look to grow your business and increase your quality. Be on the lookout for outstanding applicants who would fit into these positions!
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